
Viewpoint | When Terrorists Focus on, They Listen

Viewpoint | When Terrorists Focus on, They Listen

Yigal Carmon is a single of the couple Israelis who can declare to have predicted this battle. His Aug. 31 submit “Indicators of Achievable Warfare in September-October” cited provocations by Hezbollah, escalating violence within the West Financial institution and threats from Hamas as proof of regional coordination for one factor large. “Israel will attainable be compelled to undertake a substantial-scale response,” he wrote, “even on the worth of an all-out battle.”

Some features have been being off, however Mr. Carmon states any particular person spending consideration would have noticed the manufacturing on the wall. “They reported all of it. They said each factor,” Mr. Carmon, a former Israeli intelligence officer and counterterrorism adviser to 2 prime ministers, claims in a cellphone job interview from Jerusalem. As president and a co-founder of Memri, the Middle East Media Examine Institute, he skilled publicized Hamas’s video clips promoting its drills for an invasion of Israel, as correctly as its claims that complete battle was coming.

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Written by bourbiza mohamed

Bourbiza Mohamed is a freelance journalist and political science analyst holding a Master's degree in Political Science. Armed with a sharp pen and a discerning eye, Bourbiza Mohamed contributes to various renowned sites, delivering incisive insights on current political and social issues. His experience translates into thought-provoking articles that spur dialogue and reflection.

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