
Winter Storms and Dangerous Chilly Present Local weather Warnings All through U.S.

Winter Storms and Dangerous Chilly Present Local weather Warnings All through U.S.

Up to date Jan. 14, 2024 5:21 pm ET

Way over 160 million people ended up beneath winter season temperature warnings or advisories Sunday as a harmful mixture of Arctic chilly and wind, alongside with snow and sleet, pummeled a lot of the nation. 

A chilly entrance spilling out of Canada is accountable for dangerously chilly temperatures from the Pacific Northwest all the best way east to the Rust Belt, the Nationwide Climate situations Service reported. 

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#Winter season #Storms #Hazardous #Chilly #Convey #Local weather #Warnings #U.S

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Written by bourbiza mohamed

Bourbiza Mohamed is a freelance journalist and political science analyst holding a Master's degree in Political Science. Armed with a sharp pen and a discerning eye, Bourbiza Mohamed contributes to various renowned sites, delivering incisive insights on current political and social issues. His experience translates into thought-provoking articles that spur dialogue and reflection.

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