Higher College Musical cast: Then and now | Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale and more

Johnson used most of his time on set with Zac Efron, who performed his on-display son Troy Bolton.

According to Johnson, Efron was a drive to be reckoned with even back again in 2006.

“I was fortunate plenty of that all my scenes have been with Zac and they are commonly the scenes wherever Zac’s possessing a moment or considering lifestyle or something like that,” he said.

“I was definitely impressed with his perform ethic. He took to the scenes… ignore that it’s a Disney Channel movie, he was a really critical actor.”

Johnson included that Efron “experienced like a beast” for the role, which concerned a large amount of substantial-electrical power dance choreography.

“Even back again then, we would go function out at the health and fitness center together and that person – he out-trains most people in the health and fitness center.”

#Significant #University #Musical #solid #Zac #Efron #Vanessa #Hudgens #Ashley #Tisdale

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About bourbiza mohamed

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