Michelle Obama’s Mother Marian Shields Robinson Lifeless at 86

The Obamas are in mourning.

Marian Shields Robinson—the mom of previous Initially Lady Michelle Obama and the grandmother of her and former President Barack Obama‘s children Malia, 25, and Sasha, 22—died on the morning of Might 31. She was 86.

“Marian Lois Shields Robinson—our mother, mom-in-law, and grandmother—had a way of summing up the truths about existence in a word or two, it’s possible a fast phrase that produced everyone all around her end and think,” the household mentioned in a assertion shared to their social media accounts May 31. “Her knowledge came off as nearly innate, as some thing she was born with, but in reality it was really hard-earned, fashioned by her deep knowing that the world’s roughest edges could often be sanded down with a small grace.”

They continued, “As a mom, she was our backstop, a tranquil and nonjudgmental witness to our triumphs and stumbles. She was usually, normally there, welcoming us back again house no matter how considerably we had journeyed, with that deep and abiding appreciate.”

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